Shushant Lakhyani

Shushant Lakhyani

Shushant Lakhyani

Shushant Lakhyani

We helped him to reach 2M impressions in just 60 days

We helped him to reach 2M impressions in just 60 days

We helped him to reach 2M impressions in just 60 days

We helped him to reach 2M impressions in just 60 days
















Restart his Linkedin account & grow organically

Restart his Linkedin account & grow organically


Boost visibility and engagement on the platform

Boost visibility and engagement on the platform


Increase subscribers for his Newsletter and get brand deals

Increase subscribers for his Newsletter and get brand deals



Restart his Linkedin account & grow organically


Boost visibility and engagement on the platform


Increase subscribers for his Newsletter and get brand deals



Restart his Linkedin account & grow organically


Boost visibility and engagement on the platform


Increase subscribers for his Newsletter and get brand deals

The Challenge


Inactive for more than 3 weeks on LinkedIn

Inactive for more than 3 weeks on LinkedIn


Revamping his LinkedIn profile for the new goals

Revamping his LinkedIn profile for the new goals


Bring his personality and build thought leadership

Bring his personality and build thought leadership

The Results

Big Impressions Jump: Witnessed an extraordinary 1000% surge in impressions, amplifying content reach.

  1. Follower Momentum: Achieved a significant 50% increase in followers, cultivating a more vibrant community.

  2. Viral Hits, Not Once but Eight Times: Went viral an impressive 8 times, capturing widespread attention and engagement.

  3. Profile Prestige: Received 12,000+ profile views, nearly 2000+ connection requests, 10+ features, 3+ guest invites, and 2 brand collaborations.

  4. Community Impact and Client Delight: Successfully built a supportive community, fostering positive conversations. Plus, our growth means more business, and our client is super happy!

Client Testimonial

Want to turn your influence

Want to turn your influence

Want to turn your influence

into income in 90 days or less?

into income in 90 days or less?

into income in 90 days or less?